Living more healthily only takes a few simple changes

Trying to lead a healthier lifestyle can be daunting. Social media is full of people pushing radical health options that can make us into superheroes. This can lead to real frustration as very few of us are really cut out for these Spartan-esque regimes of monastic austerity and heavy lifting.

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Trying to lead a healthier lifestyle can be daunting. Social media is full of people pushing radical health options that can make us into superheroes. This can lead to real frustration as very few of us are really cut out for these Spartan-esque regimes of monastic austerity and heavy lifting.

But it doesn’t have to be like that. Actually, just making some pretty small changes can go a long way to improving your heart health. One of the simplest, and a great starting point, is regularly monitoring your blood pressure.

But what is blood pressure? It’s the force placed on the walls of your arteries as your heart pumps blood around your body. If it is too high then this puts a strain on your heart and blood vessels and makes you more susceptible to heart attacks and strokes. Below are a few minor lifestyle changes that can help keep you in a normal blood pressure range and head off any potential issues.

Think about your food

No-one’s saying you can’t have a pizza. We love them too! But perhaps think about reducing the amount and trying just one slice with a generous side portion of vegetables. Try smoothies instead of coffee, oily fish loaded with omega-3 fats rather than a steak or even considering a plant-based diet. Making smarter choices around the fuel we put in our bodies can go a long way to making us healthier, maintaining blood pressure readings at a healthy level, and keeping our arteries in good condition.

Get out and about

As we’re all in the office more regularly and getting out and about more, there’s plenty of opportunities to get some exercise. Have you considered walking in the park on your lunchbreak, getting some fresh air (and a long-overdue catch up) with colleagues? The World Health Organisation (WHO) recommends adults between 18 and 64 years old should try to do 150–300 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity a week. Simply walking to and from the train station and then taking a stroll during the day should get you on the road to this target.

Don’t put your health in a vice

It goes without saying that smoking is not a good lifestyle choice. If you do smoke, this is one change might not be very small for you, but one that is absolutely crucial for your long-term health. But there’s good news. You don’t have to completely give up drinking while you’re at it. No-one will begrudge you a quiet drink now and again but it’s important not to overdo it. Instead of reaching for that next glass of wine, pour yourself a water or another tea. Your body will thank you for it and you’ll find it much easier to keep to your ideal blood pressure.

Monitor yourself

Tracking your blood pressure at home and connecting to your doctor to keep them up to speed with your readings is a great way to keep on top of your health and play a role in your healthcare. This doesn’t have to be a chore and can fit into your usual routine. At-home connected blood pressure monitors have come a long way and it’s never been easier to start understanding what makes your body tick. It can even give a great sense of achievement as you start improving your physical health and seeing those readings stay at a healthy level.

Being healthy is a major part of leading a happy life. Take the time to have a look at the OMRON blood pressure monitor that can best fits your lifestyle and start monitoring your blood pressure. It’s a small change but an important one to help you lead a healthier life.

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