The No. 1 recommended brand by cardiologists*
Get accurate results as in your doctor’s surgery!
*For home blood pressure monitors in Europe (EU7). Kantar, survey with cardiologists
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We help people to realise healthy and comfortable lives around the world
Global No. 1 brand in blood pressure monitors and nebulisers
Clinically validated reliability and accuracy under rigorous testing by major health organisations
Read moreTrusted and recommended by doctors and pharmacists
Your health data available anytime
The ‘OMRON connect’ app helps you make sense of it all. You can track trends, monitor your progress, and easily share your health data or export your results for use in other apps.
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We want to minimise the impact of your health conditions and enable you to live a more fulfilling and active life with the products we offer.
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Our Award Winning Blood Pressure Monitors
Meet OMRON’s award winning products! Introducing OMRON Blood pressure monitors - The Award-Winning Product by Plus X! OMRON’s revolutionary product's cutting-edge technology, intelligent measurement capabilities, and easy-to-use design have earned it prestigious accolades and a loyal customer base in EMEA region.

Health & Lifestyle
Discover ways to live a more fulfilling life with a healthier heart and respiratory system, and find advice on pain management and active lifestyle.
How to lower your blood pressure
How to lower your blood pressure There are lots of ways to achieve lasting reductions in your blood pressure. Some may involve radical changes to your lifestyle; others may be relatively easy.
Read more about How to lower your blood pressure
High blood pressure in pregnancy? What is preeclampsia?
High blood pressure in pregnancy Why can high blood pressure be a problem during pregnancy? Some women, around 5 percent, experience high blood pressure when they’re pregnant. This may develop before, during, or after the pregnancy. Chronic hypertension is high blood pressure that occurs either before you become pregnant, or during the first twenty …
Read more about High blood pressure in pregnancy? What is preeclampsia?
Using exercise to lower your blood pressure
Using exercise to lower your blood pressure Even small changes in the amount of exercise you take can bring big changes in your blood pressure. That’s because it makes your heart stronger, so it takes less effort to pump the blood around your body, and there’s less outward pressure on the blood vessels.
Read more about Using exercise to lower your blood pressure