
Cardiovascular Diseases

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Most popular in Cardiovascular Diseases

Low Blood Pressure (Hypotension): Symptoms and Causes

Low blood pressure What is low blood pressure? Many people have naturally low blood pressure, and it’s often a sign of good health. Doctors call this chronic asymptomatic hypotension. Sometimes, though, your blood pressure may remain consistently low, or drop suddenly. This may be a cause for concern, especially if you usually have high blood …

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High blood pressure when exercising

High blood pressure when exercising It’s normal for your systolic blood pressure (the higher of your two readings, taken when your heart is pumping blood through your body) to increase when you take vigorous exercise. This is because your muscles need more oxygen, so your heart has to work harder to deliver it.

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Stroke: symptoms, causes, risk factors and treatment

Stroke: symptoms, causes, risk factors and treatment What is a stroke? The most common type of stroke involves a blockage that cuts off the blood supply to your brain. This deprives it of oxygen and nutrients, damaging or killing brain cells, and is referred to as an ischaemic stroke.

Read more about Stroke: symptoms, causes, risk factors and treatment

What are the symptoms of high blood pressure?

What are the symptoms of high blood pressure? One of the problems with high blood pressure is that it doesn’t really have any symptoms. The only way to diagnose this potentially dangerous condition is to measure your blood pressure over an extended period.

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What is high blood pressure?

What is high blood pressure? What is high blood pressure? High blood pressure is a common condition in which the force of your blood against your artery walls is too high. Before we get to know more about the condition, let’s start first with the absolute basics about blood pressure itself.

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