
Blood Pressure Management

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Most popular in Blood Pressure Management

Stress and High Blood Pressure: Managing Stress to Control High Blood Pressure

Hypertension or high blood pressure is one of the most recognized health concerns around the globe. Among the known triggers of blood pressure are stress materials. It is crucial that you learn the correlation between stress and high blood pressure so that you can effectively manage and optimally enhance your health.

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Fluctuating blood pressure

Fluctuating blood pressure It’s perfectly normal for your blood pressure to go up and down during the course of the day, and from one day to the next. If you’re monitoring your own blood pressure, it’s important not to get too hung up on these everyday fluctuations.

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Foods to Avoid for a Healthy Heart

High blood pressure: foods to avoid If you want to lower your blood pressure, or make sure it doesn’t become high in the first place, there are certain types of food and drink you should cut down on. It’s important not to get too hung up on this, but quite modest changes can make …

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Heart-Healthy Foods: What to eat?

Foods that help to reduce your blood pressure Eating more of certain foods and less of others can help you to achieve significant reductions in blood pressure. You don’t have to adopt a lifestyle of monastic austerity: just being a little more selective as you pick items from the supermarket shelf can make all the …

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Having a health check

Having a health check Many common diseases are preventable or can be treated more effectively if identified at an early stage. A health check can spot symptoms or risk factors for problems such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, kidney disease, and dementia. For example, up to 80 percent of heart attacks and strokes may …

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Using exercise to lower your blood pressure

Using exercise to lower your blood pressure Even small changes in the amount of exercise you take can bring big changes in your blood pressure. That’s because it makes your heart stronger, so it takes less effort to pump the blood around your body, and there’s less outward pressure on the blood vessels.

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Heart-Healthy Diet: Diets that can lower your blood pressure

Diets that can lower your blood pressure While in most cases we don’t know what causes high blood pressure, we do know that it can be affected by diet. Some foods can reduce blood pressure, while others increase it. For example, too much sodium (i.e. salt) makes you retain more water, which in turn can …

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High blood pressure in pregnancy? What is preeclampsia?

High blood pressure in pregnancy Why can high blood pressure be a problem during pregnancy? Some women, around 5 percent, experience high blood pressure when they’re pregnant. This may develop before, during, or after the pregnancy. Chronic hypertension is high blood pressure that occurs either before you become pregnant, or during the first twenty …

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